2019-20 Budget—Appendix A Concessions statement
datastore ActiveThis statement highlights the cost and nature of concessions provided by the Queensland Government. It covers both concessions that are direct Budget outlays (for example, fee subsidy payments), and concessions that are revenue foregone through fees and charges that are set at a lower rate than applies to the wider community or, in the case of broader concessions, the full cost of service provision.
Data Dictionary
Column | Type | Label | Description |
Agency | text | ||
Concession | text | ||
2018-19 Est. Act. $ million | numeric | ||
2019-20 Estimate $ million | numeric | ||
Variance notes | text |
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | 15 July 2019 |
Metadata last updated | 20 June 2022 |
Created | 15 July 2019 |
Format | CSV |
License | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
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Data usability rating
Contains open format machine-readable open data.
Link is ok
Link checked: 8 March 2022
Link checked: 8 March 2022