QH—Queensland Government Investment Portal (QGIP)
Records of investments in front line service delivery including expenditure records, available funding and data for local government areas. -
DTMR—Queensland Government Investment Portal (QGIP)
Records of investments in front line service delivery including expenditure records, available funding and data for local government areas. -
QPS—Queensland Government Investment Portal (QGIP)
Records of investments in front line service delivery including expenditure records, available funding and data for local government areas. -
Queensland Fire Department —Queensland Government Investment Portal (QGIP)
Records of investments in front line service delivery including expenditure records, available funding and data for local government areas. (QFES was renamed QFD 01/07/2024) -
DJAG—Queensland Government Investment Portal (QGIP)
Records of investments in front line service delivery including expenditure records, available funding and data for local government areas. -
Regional boundaries - Department of Agriculture and Fisheries - Queensland
The Rural Economic Development team within the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) delivers its services and operations through three regions that collectively cover... -
Consultancy spending—Justice and Attorney-General
Consultancy spending undertaken by the Department of Justice and Attorney-General -
Overseas Travel—Justice and Attorney-General
Overseas travel undertaken by officers of the Department of Justice and Attorney-General including name, position, institution/division, date, destination, reason for travel,... -
DSDSATSIP—Queensland Government Investment Portal (QGIP)
Records of investments in front line service delivery including expenditure records, available funding and data for local government areas. -
DNRM—Queensland Government Investment Portal (QGIP)
Records of investments in front line service delivery including expenditure records, available funding and data for local government areas. -
DTESB—Queensland Government Investment Portal (QGIP)
Records of investments in front line service delivery including expenditure records, available funding and data for local government areas. -
DSITI—Queensland Government Investment Portal (QGIP)
Records of investments in front line service delivery including expenditure records, available funding and data for local government areas. -
DSD—Queensland Government Investment Portal (QGIP)
Records of investments in front line service delivery including expenditure records, available funding and data for local government areas. All Royalties for the Regions... -
DILGP—Queensland Government Investment Portal (QGIP)
Records of investments in front line service delivery including expenditure records, available funding and data for local government areas. -
Consultancy spending - Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the...
Consultancy spending undertaken by Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games. -
Consultancy spending—Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation
Consultancy spending undertaken by the Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation. -
Consultancy spending—Community Safety
Consultancy spending undertaken by the Department of Community Safety. Note: On 7 September 2020, the Queensland Government announced its intention to integrate the PSBA... -
2015-16 Annual Report data—Queensland Rail
Provided by Queensland Rail as part of their Annual Report process this dataset contains additional information reported in lieu of inclusion in the Annual Report. Includes... -
2013–14 Mid Year Fiscal and Economic Review (MYFER) for Queensland
Data from the 2013–14 Mid Year Fiscal and Economic Review (MYFER) including revised fiscal and economic forecasts for Queensland -
2012–13—Queensland Report on State Finances
Data from the Report on State Finances, incorporating the Outcomes Report and AASB1049 Financial Statements for the General Government Sector (GGS) and Whole of Government...