Marine licences by type and postcode
The number of marine licences recorded by the Department of Transport and Main Roads. -
Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP)–2024-25 to 2027-28
The Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program 2024-25 to 2027-28 (QTRIP) outlines the Department of Transport and Main Roads' current and planned investment in road and... -
Department of Transport and Main Roads Annual Report Data—2023-2024
Additional information reported in lieu of inclusion in the annual report: Consultancies, Overseas Travel, Queensland Language Service Policy, School Transport Operator... -
Housing Service Finder
to hold Housing Service Finder results https://housing.services.qld.gov.au/#/ -
Queensland Rail Contract Disclosure FY2023-2024
Queensland Rail Contract Disclosure FY2023-2024 -
Grants Finder
to hold Grants Finder contributions -
Crash data from Queensland roads
Overview: Information on location and characteristics of crashes in Queensland for all reported Road Traffic Crashes occurred from 1 January 2001 to 30 November 2023. Fatal... -
Weipa tide gauge—archived interval recordings
Archived water level readings recorded at Weipa using an automatic tide gauge. -
Urangan tide gauge—archived interval recordings
Archived water level readings recorded at Urangan using an automatic tide gauge. -
Townsville tide gauge—archived interval recordings
Archived water level readings recorded at Townsville using an automatic tide gauge. -
Thursday Island tide gauge—archived interval recordings
Archived water level readings recorded at Thursday Island using an automatic tide gauge. -
Southport tide gauge—archived interval recordings
Archived water level readings recorded at Marine Operations Base Southport using an automatic tide gauge. -
South Trees tide gauge—archived interval recordings
Archived water level readings recorded at South Trees using an automatic tide gauge. -
Rosslyn Bay tide gauge—archived interval recordings
Archived water level readings recorded at Rosslyn Bay using an automatic tide gauge. -
Port Alma tide gauge—archived interval recordings
Archived water level readings recorded at Port Alma using an automatic tide gauge. -
Mourilyan tide gauge—archived interval recordings
Archived water level readings recorded at Mourilyan using an automatic tide gauge. -
Mackay tide gauge—archived interval recordings
Archived water level readings recorded at Mackay using an automatic tide gauge. -
Karumba tide gauge—archived interval recordings
Archived water level readings recorded at Karumba using an automatic tide gauge. -
Half Tide Tug Harbour tide gauge—archived interval recordings
Archived water level readings recorded at Half Tide Tug Harbour using an automatic tide gauge. -
Gladstone Auckland Point tide gauge—archived interval recordings
Archived water level readings recorded at Gladstone Auckland Point using an automatic tide gauge.