Marine licences by type and postcode
The number of marine licences recorded by the Department of Transport and Main Roads. -
Marine licence indicator verifications
This set of data shows number of marine licence indicator verifications issued by channel. The data is a snapshot of the schedule at the same time each day. -
Seamen 1882 to 1919
This index was compiled from the Registers of seamen as kept by the Harbours and Rivers Department between 1882 and 1919. The records are held at Queensland State Archives. -
Mariner's certificates 1877-1939
This is an index to Certificates of Competency held at Queensland State Archives. They were issued by the Marine Board of Queensland as proof that the recipients were qualified... -
Marine Infrastructure and Vessels 1860-2006
This series held at Queensland State Archives, comprises drawings of Queensland harbour infrastructure, including wharves, jetties, breakwaters, harbour roadworks and drainage,... -
Hydrographic Charts 1802-2013
This series comprises hydrographic charts held at Queensland State Archives were prepared by the Harbours and Rivers Department and its successors, as well as the British... -
Marine strandings
Marine strandings in Queensland from 2011 to 2014. -
Maritime Safety Queensland series
These datasets relate to Maritime Safety Queensland, a branch of the Department of Transport and Main Roads. The role of Maritime Safety Queensland is to protect Queensland's... -
Pilotage fee — Queensland
This dataset contains the fees and charges for pilotage services in Queensland ports.