Coordinated projects - The Coordinator-General


The dataset is to show locations of current proposed infrastructure projects for the Coordinator-General’s assessment and approval under the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 (SDPWO Act). A proponent of a project with one or more of the following characteristics may apply to have it declared a 'coordinated project' under the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 (SDPWO Act):- complex approval requirements, involving local, state and federal governments- significant environmental effects- strategic significance to the locality, region or state, including for the infrastructure, economic and social benefits, capital investment or employment opportunities it may provide- significant infrastructure requirements.The Coordinator-General chooses the weight attributed to each of the above factors. The Coordinator-General is not bound to declare a project a coordinated project merely because it satisfies one or more of these characteristics.In making the declaration decision, the Coordinator-General must have regard to:- detailed information about the project given by the proponent in an initial advice statement- relevant planning schemes or policy frameworks of a local government, the State or the Commonwealth- relevant State policies and government priorities- a pre-feasibility assessment of the project, including how it satisfies an identified need or demand- the capacity of the proponent to undertake and complete the environmental impact statement (EIS) or impact assessment report (IAR) for the project- any other matter considered relevant.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 16 July 2024
Metadata last updated 16 July 2024
Created 16 July 2024
License Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
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Data usability rating : 0 out of 5
Contains no active link to open data.