CrocWatch crocodile sightings - 2016


The list contains all crocodile sightings in Queensland reported to CrocWatch in 2016. It includes a summary of crocodile sightings and declared crocodiles of concern and the sighting location. This file replaces the previous quarterly summaries for 2016.

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
Year numeric
Crocodile Reference Number numeric
Date Sighted timestamp
Crocodile of Concern text
Resolved crocodile of concern text
Crocodile confirmed by EHP Officer text
Zones 1 or 2 text
Crocodile Management Plan text
Local Government Authority text
Crocodile Management Plan Zone Objectives text
South of the Boyne River text
Crocodile attack or behaving aggressively text
Location or crocodile behaviour is a threat text
crocodile prevention barrier and stock text
crocodile urban management area (CUMA) text
Describe COC assessment text
Outcome text
Date crocodile removed text
Is there an imminent threat to human safety text
date of contact with EHP timestamp
Species text
number of crocodiles numeric
size of largest crocodile (m) (estimate) text
were tracks left text
nest or slide present text
location of Crocodile text
latitude numeric
longitude numeric
name of river creek beach or waterhole text
type of habitat text
nearest public area text
public use type text
intensity of use at time of sighting text
additional comments intensity of use text
all parts of crocodile exposed text
eye part of crocodile exposed text
head part of crocodile exposed text
tail part of crocodile exposed text
head and back part of crocodile exposed text
gait high text
gait sliding text
gait running text
gait walking text
gait swimming text
moving quickly or slowly text
direction of travel of crocodile text
Is the crocodile 2 m or greater text
Is the croc in a well known habitat text
Is the crocodile moving through text
food source fish frame text
food source abbattoir text
food source crab pots text
food source smelly bins text
food source boat ramp text
food source dugong text
food source turtle text
Food Animal carcass text

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 19 July 2021
Metadata last updated 21 June 2022
Created 16 January 2017
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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