March 2024 - Emergency Department Open data


March 2024 - Emergency Department Open data

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
Facility/HHS Code text
Facility/HHS Desc text
Last Month in QTR text
Triage Category text
Number of Attendances text
Variation in the number of attendances (%) text
Patients Seen within clinically recommended times (%) text
Median Waiting time to treatment (minutes) text
Patients who did not wait for treatment (%) text
Patients admitted from the Emergency Department (%) text
Admissions to hospital within 4 hours (%) text
Patients whose ED stay was within 4 hours (%) text
Number of patients who left after treatment commenced text
Percentage of patients who left after treatment commenced (%) text
Number of patients who did not wait for treatment text
Median Wait Traffic Light text

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 24 May 2024
Metadata last updated 24 May 2024
Created 14 November 2023
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
do not validateTrue
Align default schemaFalse
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Has viewsTrue
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Resource idce4b7a8c-11bd-489b-bf55-fc0872dc540f
Set url typeFalse
Size42.3 KiB
Task created2024-05-24 03:30:52.896007
Update frequencyquarterly
Update frequency days{"monthly": 30, "quarterly": 91, "half-yearly": 182, "annually": 365}
Url typeupload
Size 42.3 KiB
Aligned with default data schema FALSE
Data usability rating :
Contains open format machine-readable open data.