

A CSV collection of 90 digitised scores from the collection of State Library of Queensland, with stunning or quirky illustated covers. Songs about places are also featured. The scores are out of copyright and date up to 1930.

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
Queensland waltz text
Rowland, Leila Ruth,1879-1958. text
Waltzes Piano music--Queensland text
State Library of Queensland text
image text
Digital format: image/jpeg Original format: 1 score (10 p.) ; 3 text
Copied and digitised from Queensland waltz by Leila Ruth Rowlan text
Is part of: Accession number: Bib 716649 Is part of: Music Quee text
Queensland text
1913 text
Copyright expired. For further information http://www.slq.qld.g text text
Queensland waltz - Cover 1000 pixel jpg: http://bishop.slq.qld. text
Queensland waltz - Page 2 1000 pixel jpg: http://bishop.slq.qld text
Queensland waltz - Page 3 1000 pixel jpg: http://bishop.slq.qld text
Queensland waltz - Page 4 1000 pixel jpg: http://bishop.slq.qld text
Queensland waltz - Page 5 1000 pixel jpg: http://bishop.slq.qld text
Queensland waltz - Page 6 1000 pixel jpg: http://bishop.slq.qld text
Queensland waltz - Page 7 1000 pixel jpg: http://bishop.slq.qld text
Queensland waltz - Page 8 1000 pixel jpg: http://bishop.slq.qld text
Queensland waltz - Page 9 1000 pixel jpg: http://bishop.slq.qld text
027455-s001 thumbnail 150 pixel jpg: text
027455-s002 thumbnail 150 pixel jpg: text
027455-s003 thumbnail 150 pixel jpg: text
027455-s004 thumbnail 150 pixel jpg: text
027455-s005 thumbnail 150 pixel jpg: text
027455-s006 thumbnail 150 pixel jpg: text
027455-s007 thumbnail 150 pixel jpg: text
027455-s008 thumbnail 150 pixel jpg: text
027455-s009 thumbnail 150 pixel jpg: text

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 22 August 2019
Metadata last updated 29 May 2013
Created 29 May 2013
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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Data usability rating :
Contains open format machine-readable open data.