Queensland Physical Map Ed1 2M (2023)

URL: https://www.data.qld.gov.au/dataset/ff0b9e93-25d3-44b6-b75a-fbdb01af3ac8/resource/e5dd0336-29a6-4aa2-8246-a3cba98831b6/download/queenslandphysicalmap_ed1_2m_2023.pdf

Detailed physical map of Queensland. This is the first edition and was produced in 2023 by the Department of Resources and replaces the deprecated S2 map.

Scale: 1:2,000,000 (when plotted at A0) Datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020) Projection: Albers Queensland (Central Meridian 145°E, Standard Parallels 14°S and 26°S)

This map has been compiled from the best information available to Queensland Government. While every effort is made to show approved place names under the Place Names Act 1994, unapproved names may be contained herein. Roads shown on this map, particularly in western and northern areas of Queensland, are subject to closures and changes in surface quality. Some roads may require four wheel drive vehicles. Road closures due to flooding are common, especially during the wet season between November and April. Check local conditions before travelling. Private access roads may also be shown so please be aware of access restrictions.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 4 August 2023
Metadata last updated 13 October 2023
Created 20 June 2023
Format PDF
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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