Register of lands 1861 to 1868 JSON


This open data file lists the names of people and businesses who purchased Crown Land in Queensland that had been opened as a selection or agricultural reserve between 1861 and 1868. Information also includes the lease number and Queensland State Archives’ catalogue details.

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 5 September 2018
Metadata last updated 5 September 2018
Created 5 September 2018
Format JSON
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Archiver{'resource_timestamp': '2019-07-10T16:56:07.983848', 'status_id': 0, 'is_broken': False, 'reason': '', 'url_redirected_to': '', 'cache_filepath': 'resources/3efedd96-744a-4838-82cb-40122d65b134/register-of-lands-1861-1868.json', 'cache_url': '', 'size': 2221385, 'mimetype': 'application/json', 'hash': '7a2881c46b63a34b4b91773c101320abc20bfca5', 'etag': None, 'last_modified': None, 'first_failure': None, 'last_success': '2022-03-08T09:16:28.735309', 'failure_count': 0, 'created': '2020-10-06T14:00:06.968105', 'updated': '2022-03-08T09:16:28.735309', 'status': 'Archived successfully', 'is_broken_printable': 'Downloaded OK'}
Datastore activeFalse
Datastore contains all records of source fileFalse
Has viewsTrue
Package id6503746b-18e0-48d7-a9a3-a42ee9b3152e
Qa{'resource_timestamp': None, 'archival_timestamp': '2022-03-08T09:16:28.735309', 'openness_score': 3, 'openness_score_reason': 'Content of file appeared to be format "CSV" which receives openness score: 3.', 'format': 'CSV', 'created': '2020-10-06T06:18:49.647656', 'updated': '2022-03-08T17:19:10.139604'}
Size2 MiB
Url typeupload
Size 2 MiB
Aligned with default data schema
Data usability rating :
Contains open format machine-readable open data.