Academic achievement for student's studying English by Indigenous status and...
List of student's achievement in the learning area of English by Indigenous status and year level. This dataset is no longer being updated. For more information about Learning... -
Academic achievement for student's studying English by country of birth and...
List of student's achievement in the learning area of English by their year level and country of birth. *This dataset is no longer being updated. For more information about... -
Workforce profiling - DETE
A full time equivalent (FTE) count of Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE) employees. *This dataset is no longer being updated. For more information please... -
Workforce and human resource management - DoE
The Department of Education contributes to the maintenance of effective human resource management including recruitment, payroll, industrial relations, workplace health and... -
Remuneration information - University of Southern Queensland
Details of remuneration information for University of Southern Queensland. Information regarding the role, function, responsibilities and achievements of this body is available... -
Queensland non-state schools - funding information
Non-state schools are partly funded by the state government, the Commonwealth and through private income. This dataset provides information about the state government funded... -
National Data Links
A summary of links to national higher education data. -
Home education registrations
Number of Queensland home education registrations by year level and sector searchable for the past 4 years. For more information, please visit the home education page at... -
Equal employment opportunity employee rates - DETE
Ratio of employees who identify as one of the equal employment opportunity (EEO) groups. *This data is no longer being updated. For more information please refer to Workforce... -
Employee retention rates - DETE
Ratio of employees who have been retained by the department against the establishment count. *This data is no longer being updated. For more information please refer to... -
DETE SES Employees Profile
Head count of SES employees by portfolio, region and age group. *This data is no longer being updated. For more information please refer to... -
DETE Senior S122 Contract Employees
Head count of senior S122 contract employees by portfolio, region, age group and gender. *This data is no longer being updated. For more information please refer to Workforce... -
Staff attendance rates - The Department of Education Human Resources
Ratio of attendance hours taken in a period against the work hours available for the same period. This dataset is no longer being updated. For more information please refer to... -
Academic achievement for student's studying Science by SA2 and year level
List of student's achievement in the learning area of Science by SA2 and year level. This dataset is no longer being updated. For more information on Learning Outcomes go to... -
Academic achievement for student's studying Science by Indigenous status and...
List of student's achievement in the learning area of Science by Indigenous status and year level. This dataset is no longer being updated. For more information go to... -
Academic achievement for student's studying Science by gender and year level
List of student's achievement in the learning area of Science by gender and year level. This dataset is no longer being updated. For more information about Learning Outcomes go... -
Academic achievement for student's studying Science by country of birth and...
List of student's achievement in the learning area of Science by their year level and country of birth. This dataset is no longer being updated. For more information about... -
Academic achievement for student's studying Maths by SA2 and year level
List of student's achievement in the learning area of Maths by SA2 and year level. This dataset is no longer being updated. For more information about Learning Outcomes go to... -
Academic achievement for student's studying Maths by main language of...
List of student's achievement in the learning area of Maths by their main language and year level. This dataset is no longer being updated. For more information about Learning... -
Academic achievement for student's studying Maths by Indigenous status and year level
List of student's achievement in the learning area of Maths by Indigenous status and year level. This dataset is no longer being updated. For more information about Learning...