Locality boundaries - Queensland
The locality boundaries dataset is the spatial representation of bounded localities (includes suburbs) of Queensland. These are the official locality names and boundaries used... -
Local government area boundaries - Queensland
The spatial representation of local government areas in Queensland. -
Cadastral data - Queensland series
The Digital Cadastre is the spatial representation of every current parcel of land in Queensland, and its legal Lot on Plan description and relevant attributes. It provides the... -
Priority development areas - economic development Queensland
A Priority Development Area (PDA) is a site declared by the state government to facilitate the development of land in Queensland for economic development or community... -
Cultural Heritage Party boundaries - Queensland
The Cultural Heritage Parties dataset is the spatial representation of state-wide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Native Title Party boundaries within Queensland as... -
Rural properties - Queensland
This topographic dataset displays the extent of named rural properties (horticultural or agricultural properties) in the State of Queensland. -
Water monitoring network - surface water quantity - open gauging stations -...
The Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW) Surface Water Quantity Monitoring Network. For more information see 'Water monitoring and data'... -
Water monitoring network - surface water quantity - closed gauging stations...
The Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW) surface water quantity monitoring network closed gauging stations. For more information see 'Water... -
Water resource management features - Queensland series
This is a series of datasets compiled to assist in the sustainable management of surface and underground water covering the State of Queensland. -
Historical average yearly rainfall isohyets -1920 to 1969 - Queensland
This historical legacy dataset depicts the 50-year mean annual rainfall isohyets (contours) over Queensland for the period 1920 to 1969. The dataset was a project activity, and... -
Watercourse identification map - Queensland series
The Watercourse Identification Map (WIM) [Water Act 2000 section 5AA]series: watercourses, drainage features, downstream limits, lakes, springs. -
Built up areas - Queensland
This topographic dataset displays the extent of an urban or rural settlement where cadastral parcels are less than 2.5 hectares and which generally have residential (more than... -
WildNet wildlife records - published - Queensland
This is a subset of the wildlife records from the Department of Environment and Science's WildNet database. It contains the WildNet wildlife records approved for release (by... -
Probable maximum flood extent - referable dams - Queensland series
The datasets in this series describe the Probable Maximum Flood extents below the referable dams of Queensland for three different scenarios. -
Transport features - Queensland series
This is a series of datasets covering the State of Queensland displaying transport features. Features are attributed with source information and names where available. Datasets... -
State border - Queensland
This topographic dataset displays the land extent of Queensland and comprises the state border (the cadastral boundary between states) of Queensland. -
Queensland LiDAR Data - LiDAR tile footprints
This dataset displays the individual tile footprints and capture specifications for the currently available LiDAR captured data over for the State of Queensland. In areas where... -
Coordinated projects - The Coordinator-General
The dataset is to show locations of current proposed infrastructure projects for the Coordinator-General’s assessment and approval under the State Development and Public Works... -
Generalised distribution and densities of Queensland wildlife
Queensland species distributions and densities generalised to a 10 km grid resolution based on the Queensland Government's WildNet database. -
Heritage register boundaries - Queensland
The Queensland Heritage Register is a list of places of non-indigenous heritage significance in Queensland. This dataset represents the boundaries of places entered in the...