Cultural Heritage data
Cultural Heritage data is maintained by QSPATIAL and can be found here: http://qldspatial.information.qld.gov.au/catalogue/custom/search.page?q=cultural+heritage -
Index of census returns of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people 1915
This dataset contains an index of census returns of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people compiled around 1915. -
Product sales report
Sales data for all Islanders Board Of Industry & Service (IBIS) stores. -
Index of Colonial Secretary's correspondence relating to Aboriginal and...
The correspondence of the Queensland Colonial Secretary’s Office relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples from 1859 to 1903. -
Hourly productivity report for stores in selected Indigenous communities
Store sales data and trends for Woorabinda, Lockhart River, Kowanyama, Palm Island, Pormpuraaw and Doomadgee communities.