First Nations Sport and Recreation Program
The First Nations Sport and Recreation Program provides funding for physical activity opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in non-discrete communities... -
Active Clubs
Active Clubs provides funding to local and regional sport and active recreation organisations delivering physical activity throughout Queensland to ensure appropriate physical... -
Community Use of Schools Program 2019
Community use of Use Schools Program 2019 -
Minor Infrastructure Program
Minor Infrastructure Program -
ActiveKIT (Knowledge, Innovation and Technology)
Approved funding applications for ActiveKIT -
DTESB Annual Report 2015-16
2015-16 Annual Report for the Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games. Produced at the end of the financial year, this report demonstrates... -
DSD 2015 Annual Report Data
Information reported in lieu of inclusion in the Annual Report: consultancies, overseas travel, Queensland Language Services Policy, government body remuneration and government... -
Development Assessment Monitoring and Performance Program (DAMPP)
Performance against statutory timeframes for processing development applications in 2010/11 -
Contract disclosure reports
Contract disclosure reports for the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning. -
Queensland Sport, Exercise and Recreation Survey Adults (QSERSA)
The QSERSA collects information about physical activity preferences, frequency and locations of Queensland adults, barriers and enablers to participation, as well as social and... -
Queensland Sport, Exercise and Recreation Survey Children (QSERSC)
Sport and Recreation Queensland Sport, Exercise, Recreation Survey - Children - topline report -
Tourism Investment Opportunities 2013
Types of tourism investment projects for potential investors. -
Department of State Development Right to Information Applications
Right to Information Applications received in 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16 and 2016/17. -
Queensland Resilience Index
The Queensland Resilience Index measures the recognition, recall and actions taken by people in relation to the Get Ready Queensland campaign and gives a measure of public...