Brisbane Gaol Prisoners 1850-1898

Data usability rating :
Contains open format machine-readable open data.

Registers of male and female prisoners admitted to HM Gaol Brisbane (Boggo Road) 1850-1898, also called description books, reception books or admission books – information recorded may include gaol number; name of prisoner, year of birth, where born, religion, height, make, complexion, eye and hair colour, education, trade or calling, marital status, children; mode of arrival, name of the ship, year of arrival; date and place of committal and by whom, date of reception in gaol, condition on entering gaol, offence, sentence, how disposed of/date of discharge and conduct in gaol; former convictions, particular markings, remarks, and connection and history.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Data last updated 28 May 2024
Source Brisbane Correctional Centre (Boggo Road Gaol)
Version 1.0
Security Classification PUBLIC
Used in data driven application NO
Update Frequency Not updated
Default data schema [blank]
Data schema validation options [blank]