Gully Presence Map 5km 2012 Burdekin Catchment

Data usability rating :
Contains open format machine-readable open data.

In this product the Burdekin is divided into 5,521 5km x 5km cells. The main feature in this layer is the 'GullyPres' field, which provides a semi-quantitative gully presence value to each cell, ranging from Very Low to Very High. The gully presence assessment is based on several methods including visual observation, output from previous modelling work, bioregion membership, and the output of a mean of prodictive model. The method of mapping is provided in the 'SubMethod' field. The 'Confidence' field provides the source used to assign the 'GullyPres' field value. For more information see or contact the data publisher (contact details below).

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Data last updated 6 May 2021
Version 1.0
Security Classification PUBLIC
Used in data driven application YES
Update Frequency Non-regular
Default data schema [blank]
Data schema validation options [blank]