Coordinated projects - The Coordinator-General
The dataset is to show locations of current proposed infrastructure projects for the Coordinator-General’s assessment and approval under the State Development and Public Works... -
Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan series
Parent record identifier for Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan datasets -
South East Queensland Regional Plan 2023 - ShapingSEQ series
Parent record identifier for 9 ShapingSEQ Regional Plan 2017 datasets -
Regional planning interests - Priority living area
Priority Living Areas (PLA) as identified within the Central Queensland, Darling Downs, Cape York, North Queensland, Wide Bay Burnett, and South East Queensland Regional Plans.... -
Regional land use categories - regional plans series
These datasets represent the Regional Landuse Categories of Queensland Regional Plans, composed of three land use categories: 1) Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area 2)... -
Proposed Draft South East Queensland Regional Plan Regional Land Use...
This dataset represents the draft SEQ Regional Plan 2016Regional LandUse Categories, composed of three land use categories: 1) Regional Landscape and Rural Production Area 2)...