7 data requests found

  • Open Bricklayer Apprentice

    Apprentice and trainee commencements, completions and in-training statistics for Apprentice Connect Australia Providers in Brisbane.
    Marija, 2 weeks ago
  • Closed Apprenticeship job vacancy numbers Toowoomba

    I am working on ALP campaign for upcoming federal election and wanting numbers in the Groom electorate on apprenticeship job available in Toowoomba in 2018 and in 2021 for...
    Beverley Lacey, 3 years ago
  • Closed Market Reach Data - Tec-NQ

    My RTO is seeking to understand its market share in regional areas. Please provide an excel spreadsheet with all of the apprentices in training with Tec-NQ and overall...
    Jennifer Trybula, 4 years ago
  • Closed Queensland Apprenticeship & Traineeships Data

    As part of academic project, I am performing analytical and machine learning research on Apprenticeship and Traineeship in Queensland. As part of this research, I am currently...
    Thanveer Basha Shaik, 4 years ago
  • Closed Number of apprentices

    Hi, I would like the current number of hairdressing and barbering apprentices located in the Rockhampton and Yeppoon region. Our RTO is seeking to identify number of apprentices...
    Samantha Seibold, 5 years ago
  • Closed Request for numbers of apprentices

    I am looking for numbers of apprentices currently undertaking a Cert III in Walls and Ceilings throughout Queensland
    Suzanne Rainbow, 5 years ago
  • Closed Business Established Names and ANZIC Industry Classification

    What is the problem you are trying to solve with this data? Not a problem but an enhancement. Working with different supplier lists and would like to understand the supplier...
    L Phan, 5 years ago